Guitar Innovation

In Guitars, Standard by jtkung

It seems that there have been far more innovations and experimentation on the acoustic guitar side than the electric side. Here are some things I have observed:

Acoustic Guitars

  • Experimentation in many different wood combinations. Woods like Oregon Myrtle and Sapele, as well as many exotics like Malaysian Blackwood, Ziricote, Wenge, etc. This may be of course due to the lack of supply (or banning) of traditional woods like certain species of Rosewood, etc.
  • Body design: addition of sideports, arm and back bevels, access scoops, soundhole placement
  • Internal design: double-side lamination, advanced bracing, lattice bracing, use of composites, stiffening rods, etc.
  • Multi-scale (fanned-fret)

Electric Guitars

  • I see much more experimentation in metal-style guitars or archtops — not much for other styles
  • Not much in terms of body design, though there are interesting variations on bevels and binding due to Blackmachine and others
  • Nut: man-made materials such as TUSQ
  • Neck: use of multi-laminates — 11-ply and higher of exotic, dense woods
  • Multi-scale (fanned-fret)
  • Higher ratio locking tuners
  • Pickups: the basic design has not changed in decades. EMG added actives, but this is a pre-amp after the coils. Only innovation I have seen here are in Lace Alumitones — a very different idea based on current, not voltage.
  • Steinberger: this embodied multiple innovations: TransTrem, carbon epoxy body and neck, phenolic fingerboard, headless design, EMGs. Great designs, but never really went mainstream and basically killed by Gibson when they bought them.
  • Ken Parker Archtops: removable, adjustable neck that floats above the body. Tail endpin from front of body. Great design. Never played one, but in my opinion all sound samples I have heard on the net aren’t a significant improvement over existing designs. And they cost $30K+ ! They sure do look great and avant-garde/modern. You’re buying functional art here.
  • Lots of interesting archtop designs — most are for custom builds. Really interesting things going on here, like in acoustic designs, but none are really trickling down to the mainstream yet. Most are unaffordable also.

Overall, it appears that most of the experimentation/innovation is happening on very expensive, luxury models. I guess this isn’t any different than in other products (notably cars). However, in the auto industry, many advanced features found in expensive models eventually trickle down to the economy models. That is not happening in the guitar world as far as I can see.

The “innovations” I see in the mainstream guitar world seems to be in the manufacturing arena —  better quality and variety at affordable prices. And this is due to overseas manufacturing. So the innovations are less design-related and more manufacturing-related.  Still, it’s never been a better time for a beginner to get a guitar that is of high quality and very reasonable price.

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