Rick Toone Ultimate Shred Machine

In Guitars, Image by jtkung

Rick Toone has been showcased here before, but his recent creation — The Ultimate Shred Machine — caught my eye because it’s more modern avant-garde in styling as opposed to his normal styling using raw wood edges and more dissonant shapes. I much prefer this body styling and melding wood with composites. Very cool styling with composite faceplates and a multi-scale neck.  The neck looks like it extends through the small body, so it’s technically a “neck-thru” design. Though the neck doesn’t appear to be glued to any body, but rather is bolted on in different spots to the composite and wood parts that comprise the body and horns. The bridge seems more conventional and there’s a headstock. I would love to see a headless version of this with the innovative bridge system, but this is pretty sweet nonetheless.
Ultimate Shred Machine

Ultimate Shred Machine back

And here’s a video of the guitar in action:

And an 8-string version!

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